22 Mart 2011 Salı

Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS) İle Kullanıcı Oluşturmaya Çalışırken "The Must_change option is not supported by this version of Microfot Windows" Hatası

SQL server yönetim konsolu ile kullanıcı oluşturmaya çalışırken

Create failed for login 'UserName'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
An exception occurred wihel executing q Transcat-SQL statement or batch
The Must_change option is not supported by this version of Microfot Windows.

şeklinde bir hata alabilirsiniz. Bu hatanın nedeni kullanıcı oluşturma ekranın bulunan fakat mevcut sistemle uyumsuz olan bir özelliğin aktif edilmesi (varsayılanda da aktiftir) ile ilgilidir.

Sorunu aşmak ise oldukça basittir:

16 Mart 2011 Çarşamba

SQL Server Snippet Generator 2011

I have written a program with name "SQL Server Snippet Generator".

The program can generate snippets perfectly and you can use them in your SSMS sessions.

You can download program at my public share area:

Mirror site 1 for Download: Brothersoft(CDN for Global)
Mirror site 2 for download: Brothersoft(US mirror)
My program is awarded with "Editor's Pick" by great program download site Brothersoft.

1 Mart 2011 Salı

T-SQL String Veri Tipleri ve SQL Server 2008 R2 Üzerinde Performans Kıyaslaması

Character Strings

  • char Definition: Fixed-Length character string.
    Declaration: char(n).
    n = the number of characters.

    Space: n number of bytes

    Valid lengths for a char datatype are 1 through 8,000.
  • varchar Definition: Variable-Length character string.
    Declaration: varchar(n | max).
    n = the number of characters.

    Space: characters actually used in datatype (1 byte per character) + 2 additional bytes

    Valid lengths for a varchar datatype are 1 through 8,000. Alternatively, MAX allows for a much larger maximum storage size (2^31-1 bytes - 2,147,483,647 characters).
  • text Definition: Variable-Length character string in the code page of the server.

    Maximum length is 2,147,483,647 characters.
    Note: will be removed in future versions. Use varchar(max) instead.

Unicode Character Strings

  • nchar Definition: Fixed-Length Unicode character string.
    Declaration: nchar(n).
    n = the number of characters.

    Space: n * 2 number of bytes

    Valid lengths for a char datatype are 1 through 4,000.
  • nvarchar Definition: Variable-Length Unicode character string.
    Declaration: nvarchar(n | max).
    n = the number of characters.

    Space: characters actually used in datatype (2 bytes per character) + 2 additional bytes

    Valid lengths for a varchar datatype are 1 through 4,000. Alternatively MAX indicates that the maximum storage size is much larger (2^31-1 bytes - 2,147,483,647 characters).
  • ntext Definition: Variable-Length character string in the code page of the server.

    Maximum length is 1,073,741,823 characters.
    Note: will be removed in future versions. Use nvarchar(max) instead.